
Canada needs a cultural shift.  Streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music have decimated the ability of musicians to make a living from their recordings.  Touring is expensive and band leaders are lucky if they break even on a tour.  The fee for the average gig is the same now as it was fifty years ago:  about $125/performer.  

BuckingJam Palace is committed to fair performance fees and gender-parity and diversity in programming. 

Here’s how you can advocate for the Arts:

  • Buy music and merchandise directly from artists—at shows or through websites.  Buy music on the first Friday of every month at Bandcamp, when all proceeds go directly to the musicians.
  • Encourage your company to hire local musicians for corporate events.
  • Vote for politicians who understand the economic value of the Arts.
  • Attend live music events at venues that treat musicians properly. 

We are fierce in working for a culture change, where musicians are paid fairly and recognized financially and artistically for creating and sustaining our culture. Join us.

Recommended Reading:

Stages of Grief:  What the Pandemic has done to the Arts.

If you like this article, read the book by the same author:

The Death of the Artist:  How Creators are Struggling to Survive in the Age of Billionaire and Big Tech. Author:  William Deresiewicz

Canada needs a cultural shift.  Streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music have decimated the ability of musicians to make a living from their recordings.  Touring is extremely expensive and performers are lucky if they break even on a tour.  The fee for the average gig is the same now as it was fifty years ago:  about $125/performer.  

Arts organizations are in a tough position as many get operational grants from government and registered charities—such as BJP—cannot function as political lobby groups.  What we can—and must—become are Arts Advocates.  Otherwise, we are all just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. 

We’ve started on a road of educating folks about the state of the Arts in Canada.  That’s the first step. The next steps are gathering a community that will work for change and identifying what practical form those changes need to take.   

Here’s how you can help:

  • Send us your thoughts and suggestions on ways to create a healthy music culture in Calgary and Canada.  If you’ve travelled or lived elsewhere, share experiences you’ve had for how other parts of the world are addressing this need.
  • Become a BJP Advocacy Agent to help research solutions and organize lobby efforts.  A Universal Basic Income for artists and a Creative Subsidy are two approaches we are looking to support.  Contact
  • Educate yourself and share your knowledge with others.  BJP will do its best to help with the educating part.  
  • Buy music and merchandise directly from artists at shows.  Buy music on the first Friday of every month at Bandcamp, when all proceeds to directly to the musicians.
  • Encourage your company to hire local musicians for corporate events.

Recommended Reading:

Stages of Grief:  What the Pandemic has done to the Arts.

If you like this article, read the book by the same author:

The Death of the Artist:  How Creators are Struggling to Survive in the Age of Billionaire and Big Tech. Author:  William Deresiewicz

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